Explore Inspiring Episodes

Farming on Purpose celebrates the stories, challenges,
and innovations shaping agriculture today.

Discover stories of resilience and innovation in agriculture. Each episode brings you insights into topics like entrepreneurship, sustainability, mental health, and family farming. Whether you’re navigating challenges or building a legacy, our conversations with farmers and industry leaders are here to guide and inspire.

#107: Building a Business, Raising a Family, and Keeping Agriculture Strong 

 ”The other thing that really just brings joy to me is the little moments of farm life. So whether that's just like checking cows on pasture in the summer, that's some of my favorite memories growing up. And just holding on to those things when the ag economy or other things seem a little heavy, then it's those little moments that I think really grounds a person and why a lot of us are in agriculture.”  

The world of agriculture has a way of shaping people. It teaches resilience, hard work, and the value of family. For those of us in farming and ranching, it’s more than just a business—it’s a way of life. That’s exactly the story of Hannah Klitz, the owner of Oak Barn Beef and founder of Rural Edge Marketing, who built a business from the ground up while navigating marriage, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. 

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# 106: How Smart Money Moves Can Keep Your Family Farm in Business for Generations 

 ” So what we're doing is just teaching farmers, ranchers, anybody really, how to utilize money correctly so that we can make the bank plan B instead of plan A.” 

The reality of farming today is that it takes more than grit and hard work to keep an operation going. The numbers matter. The way we handle money matters. And, unfortunately, a lot of farmers and ranchers find themselves navigating uncertain financial waters when the banking system shifts. 

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Entrepreneurship, Education Lexi Wright Entrepreneurship, Education Lexi Wright

#89 - Make Marketing Part of Your Routine

“If you don’t send it out, if you don’t publish it, it doesn’t happen. You can’t learn from it. You have to push “go” to learn from it.” 

As a farmer's wife, mother, and business owner, I understand the challenges of juggling multiple responsibilities while trying to grow your farm or ranch. Marketing often falls to the bottom of our to-do lists, but it's crucial for our success. Today, I want to share some practical tips on how to make marketing a manageable part of your routine. 

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#88: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Agriculture: Insights from Economist Ben Brown 

“I continuously am impressed with young producers and beginning producers alike of their determination and their resiliency. If they want to be a part of this industry and they want to live in rural America, and they want to find a way to help be on the farm, they have to come up with very innovative things.” 

As a farmer and podcast host, I'm always eager to learn from experts in our field. Recently, I had the pleasure of catching up with my college friend Ben Brown, now an agricultural economist at the University of Missouri. Our chat was filled with valuable insights about the current state of farming and what the future might hold for us. 

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#76 Ag Entrepreneurship & Conviction in Fighting for the Family Farm with Amanda Radke 

“It’s the season of life we’re in right now and we’re making it work.”

Join us in this powerful episode of Farming on Purpose with Amanda. Amanda shares about her family’s operation and the cattle operation that her and her husband own and run. Amanda delves into the different avenues she has pursued not only for additional off-the-farm income, but to fulfill her own passions. Amanda offers great advice about finding your priorities and making sure what you’re doing aligns with those priorities. Amanda is passionate about fighting to help farmers and ranchers as well as the land needed for agriculture. Listen in as we dive into the importance of knowing and pursuing your priorities and passions, and fighting for your way of life.

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Entrepreneurship, Education Lexi Wright Entrepreneurship, Education Lexi Wright

#73 Income Streams, Marketing Beef, and Taking the Leap with Rancher Jess 

“I never saw this coming. I never saw the opportunity to come back full circle and continue that.”

Join us in this enjoyable episode of Farming on Purpose with Jess Perez. Jess shares about her family’s history being farmers, how her and her husband moved for his law career, and how Jess found her way back to agriculture. Jess opens up about running a cow/calf operation, getting into selling their beef direct to consumers, and some of the hurdles they’ve faced along the way. Jess also talks about marketing online, sharing your life and story to an online audience, and gives a great perspective on how you can find ways to share your story. Listen in as we delve into a variety of topics from the ups and downs of having cattle, your online presence being more than just ag related, and Jess’s mentorship.

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Farming with a Family, Education Lexi Wright Farming with a Family, Education Lexi Wright

#69 Why 64% of Farm Transitions are Failing 

“But if you actually want your farm to successfully transition and you care about your children and the quality of life they are going to have and the opportunities they are going to have after you are gone, it is your responsibility to understand how that transition will actually play out.”

In this episode, I wanted to talk about a topic that is very important but one that isn’t talked about as much as it should be, transition planning. Before purchasing our family farm, I hadn’t put much consideration into planning for our farm transition after my husband and I are gone. After hearing Dr. Ferrell, a professor at OSU, speak about farm transitions, the importance of planning, and why 64% of farm transitions are failing, it made me put more consideration into our own transition in the future. I learned such valuable information and I really wanted to share that with all of you.

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Education, Entrepreneurship Lexi Wright Education, Entrepreneurship Lexi Wright

From Off-Farm Income Podcast: Episode 1912: A Million Open Doors

“I wish there were more opportunities for people to see the day-to-day of it, not just the ‘you want to teach about agriculture, you must want to be a teacher’. There’s other options to do that, especially now that I’ve gotten into the world of entrepreneurship…”

This week we are mixing things up a bit! I had the pleasure of being on the Off-Farm Income podcast hosted by Matt Brechwald back in December. We had such a great conversation about many different topics and I wanted to highlight that episode and share it! We talked about my FFA journey and the many benefits the FFA program gives to high school students as well as the unsung heroes, Ag teachers and FFA advisors. I shared about starting my marketing business and my podcast, Farming On Purpose.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

From the Archive: Episode 27: Market Shifts in Direct-to-Consumer Marketing in the Beef Industry with Linnea Langusch 

“Video is such a powerful tool when it comes to communicating about agriculture with consumers because it’s not a big Hollywood production that’s getting edited. It’s just somebody in their field talking about their cattle. It’s just real and authentic.”

In this episode, I had the opportunity to sit down with Linnea Langusch. Linnea dives into her research she performed while working on her Master’s degree. Linnea shares how COVID-19 made her shift her research and how it affected the beef industry. She then explains what obstacles the beef industry faced during the peak times of COVID-19 and how many farmers and ranchers had to rely on direct-to-consumer marketing.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#67 Diversifying Your Cattle Income for Operation Growth with Neilson Beef

“Stuff that we don’t necessarily think is unique actually is unique. Our lifestyle is unique. There’s not a big percentage of us doing this in the world.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Lance Neilson. Lance owns and operates a cow/calf business and he shared how he and his wife started growing their herd shortly after they graduated college and got married. Having both grown up in agriculture, they knew they wanted to raise their children in the lifestyle as well. Lance dove into some of the things he does to diversify his operation so that it is always evolving and growing. Lance also talked about getting into research projects and female cattle fertility that he does.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#60 Building Great Relationships with Your Rural Veterinarian

“Use veterinarians for our knowledge base. We worked really hard for that degree and it matters.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Lauren Mack. Lauren shared her insight on what it is like moving to rural Kansas and buying a veterinarian practice right after graduation. After having been the new person in a small town, Lauren spoke about some ways she likes to get the community involved in welcoming an applicant or staff member. Being warm and welcoming to new members of the community is a topic we spoke a lot about and is important if you want your community to thrive. Lauren also talked about how to build a relationship with your vet as well as the importance of veterinarians to set boundaries for themselves to protect their mental health.

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Education, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright Education, Farming with a Family Lexi Wright

#59 Start Homesteading in Your Kitchen with Meghan Gates

“The cattle industry is such a long game. You just have to plan for 10, 20 years in advance all the time.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Meghan Gates. Meghan has a lot on her plate as a mother, rancher, and a business woman. Meghan dove into her background in agriculture as well as how she and her husband started their own cattle operation and selling beef shares. On the side, Meghan also has a western apparel online shop and a soup cookbook! Meghan suggested, if you’re interested in getting started in homesteading but aren’t sure where to start your journey, try the kitchen. Meghan shared where she got her inspiration for her cookbook and some techniques for cooking she wishes to pass on to others.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#55 The Farm & Food System - Insurance, Regulation, and Trends toward Self Sufficiency

“I think a lot of farmers would like to not rely on the bank or the government, but unfortunately the system and the path we’re heading down today, we rely too heavily on those practices.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of catching up with Shane Meenen. Shane and I covered a lot of ground in our chat, from A2 milk to insurance. Shane talked about the rules and regulations around regenerative agriculture. Shane discusses government involvement in agriculture, PPE loans, crop and livestock insurance. Shane also advocated for not following tradition if it is no longer serving you or your operation.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#53 Ranching with an Eye on Financial Feasibility

“Financially right now in agriculture, it’s so expensive to get going. I have no idea how first-generation people do it and I have nothing but respect for them and what they go through to get going.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kendel Hofer. Kendel is the third generation on her family ranch and keeps it going with help from her husband and two boys. Kendel dives into her family history of the ranch and how her father was able to expand it with hard work and help from her grandfather. Kendel shares about what the transition to owning the farm from her father looked like. Kendel talks about the financial feasibility of farming and ranching and how difficult it can be to get into agriculture. Kendel also shares about some methods they use on the ranch, that aren’t without challenges to figure out and overcome.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#51 Looking ahead at Ag Finance with a 4th Gen Farmer and Ag Lender

“I have developed actual relationships with my customers because it is farming. It is such a small world at the end of the day and all of my customers are either friends or family to me at some point in time. Even customers from previous banks, we still talk and we still have that relationship because you’re in farming and I feel like everybody’s the same in the agriculture community. They’re good people and they’re honest people and they want to help everybody. And I think that’s just agriculture in general.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Kaitlyn Niemeyer Burks. Kaitlyn is Head of Ag Lending at a bank in Missouri. At home, Kaitlyn is a 4th generation farmer and she shares that being a banker and having farmers as customers, while wasn’t her original plan, it is her way of helping her family farm and staying connected to agriculture and people in the ag industry. Kaitlyn gives some insight on new trends she is seeing in younger generations of farmers as well as some tips for starting farmers. Kaitlyn also shares about her passion for helping her customers throughout their farming journey.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#39 Making Rural Food Decisions - Trends, Stress, Change, Nutrition, and Dietary Guidelines with Dr. Bailee Cooper

“Stress plays just as big of role as if I were to take every chemical out of my home because that is one more thing that I have to do, that I’m worried about, that’s increasing my anxiety, increasing my cortisol level and I already know that I’m at-risk for cancer and diabetes and both of those are connected to stress.”  

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Bailee Cooper. Bailee is a licensed and registered dietitian and she explained some of her research and a published article she wrote. A big topic in our discussion was food trends. We discussed what food trends have come and gone and Bailee explains why it’s important to have certain foods in your diet. Bailee also highlighted that stress is something you want to avoid because high cortisol levels can wreak havoc on your body and organs. 

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#38 How to Make Growing Your Local Ag Business Easier with Sammy Gleason

“You’re helping your neighbor. You’re keeping your community going and you’re helping your neighbor and that’s just awesome.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Sammy Gleason. My path has crossed with Sammy’s a few times personally and professionally so it was fun to get to have her on the podcast. Sammy is the marketing manager for the From the Land of Kansas program at the Kansas Department of Agriculture and she shared what it is that she does and what the program does to help farmers, growers, and producers in Kansas. Sammy also dove into some of the benefits of being a member of From the Land of Kansas and how to become a member. If that is something you are interested in learning more about, check out the From the Land of Kansas website or reach out to the office. Also, don’t forget to check out some of the upcoming events Sammy mentioned to help support local Kansas farmers, growers, and producers.  

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#35 Local Food: A System, Not a Trend with Rick McNary of Shop Kansas Farms

“I think understanding how things are grown and letting the farmer tell you will calm a lot of the fears placed in people by the major corporations.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Rick McNary. Rick used to be a pastor and had the chance to go to Nicaragua on a mission trip. His experience from that trip sparked a passion to connect more people with food. Rick shared how he and his wife started Shop Kansas Farms as a way to give people access to locally grown/produced food and help people learn where their food comes from. Rick also discussed the Harvest Hub project in Rice county, another project to connect people with local food and products.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#30 Alaskan Agriculture and a look at the Remote Food Supply Chain

“The state of Alaska hasn’t been very agriculturally-minded. There’s been comments made by some legislators that in the past said that agriculture doesn’t really matter, we get all of it from the lower 48, it’s ok. So we don’t have a lot of infrastructure to support agriculture but we are trying to change that.”

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Hailey Edwards. Hailey shared what it’s like living in Alaska and spoiler alert: it’s not like those Alaskan reality television shows make it seem. Hailey also explained what the Alaskan food system looks like and some of the struggles they face that people in the lower 48 do not. Hailey’s family farm used to be a dairy but they are transitioning to the cattle industry and Hailey talked about why they made the change and how she’s using nontraditional methods in their operation.

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Education Lexi Wright Education Lexi Wright

#27 Market Shifts in Direct to Consumer Marketing in the Beef Industry

“Video is such a powerful tool when it comes to communicating about agriculture with consumers because it’s not a big Hollywood production that’s getting edited. It’s just somebody in their field talking about their cattle. It’s just real and authentic.”

In this episode, I had the opportunity to sit down with Linnea Langusch. Linnea dives into her research she performed while working on her Master’s degree. Linnea shares how COVID-19 made her shift her research and how it affected the beef industry. She then explains what obstacles the beef industry faced during the peak times of COVID-19 and how many farmers and ranchers had to rely on direct to consumer marketing.

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