Why Social Media?

No one likes someone who talks for the sake of hearing their own voice. Give your marketing meaning.

One of the most challenging pieces of the marketing puzzle can be finding the best place to reach your potential customers and knowing what to say to them when you find them.

Social media is a valuable tool in helping you find your customers and learn what they want to hear from you. Unlike most types of marketing, social media provides valuable insights that can tell you who your fans are, when you can reach them online, and what type of content resonates with them.


Is Social Media Right for Your Business?

It can be hard to know what kind of marketing will provide the best ROI for your business. Using social media for your business is about more than making sales. Social media helps you nurture your potential customers by helping them get to know you, learn to like you, and loyally put their trust in you by building a relationship with them over time. I won't beat around the bush - If you aren't interested in building a relationship with your customers, then social media might not be the best fit for you.


What Can Social Media Help You Achieve?

  • Brand awareness

  • Increased reach to target markets

  • Reputation building

  • Increased online presence

  • Customer support


Social media allows you to join a party that’s already happening, instead of creating your own, so you can meet your customers where they are. It’s the difference in meeting your customers through a friend of a friend versus hoping they will come to your sale presentation.


Social Media has Marketing Power!

  • People spend an average of 35 minutes on Facebook each day and access the platform on average 8 times per day.

  • 72% of users have purchased a product they saw on Instagram.

  • 75% of users take action such as visiting a website after looking at a brand's post on Instagram.

  • 93% of active pinners say they use Pinterest to plan for purchases.

  • 7.53% of all website referral traffic comes from Pinterest.

  • 83% of people who tweeted at a business and got a response came away feeling positively about that business