Consulting & Workshops


Book a corporate training session to:

  • develop a marketing plan for your business or organization

  • provide new training to your marketing department

  • or facilitate a structure to move your organization forward.

Corporate and organizations workshops can be booked as in-person or virtual workshop sessions, or as a marketing playbook or strategy gameplan, complete with instructions on how to implement.


Speaking Topics


Just Say No.

Why is it that we always want to say yes? For me, I was just raised “Midwest Nice.” Learn how saying yes to the right things and no to the wrong things helps your business rise to the top, and keeps you from reaching burn out.

DIY Marketing for Small Business Owners

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. When you wear all the hats, it can be exhausting, but marketing and growing your business remains a priority. This workshop style presentation helps business owners identify action steps they can take in their marketing, no matter their expertise level, at any stage in their business.

Your Marketing Superpower.

Unlock the key to marketing success by identifying:

  1. The things you didn’t know you knew

  2. The things your customers didn’t know they needed to hear.

  3. The things you thought you were already doing.

It’s Nice to Meet You!

I’m Lexi and facilitating teams to identify their course of action and develop a strategy to meet their goals is my specialty! I love to work with rural community organizations and agriculture-related businesses to make it work with the resources YOU have.

As a momma of 4, I’m a no-nonsense kind of gal and don’t waste time with any of the “extra” fluff. Working with me means getting right down to the mechanics and making sure your marketing and business strategy are functional.

I work hard for the people who work with me because nothing lights my fire like seeing big goals realized!